3 Chic Kimonos to Opt For

Most people do not know that a kimono is a famous traditional outfit in Japan. It is the national costume of Japan that comes in a variety of different styles and embellishments. However, kimonos are the best when it comes to the layering of the outfit as layering makes you look more sophisticated and chic. They are one of the statement pieces that will instantly boost the look of your outfit. It comes in a variety of styles depending on the person’s gender, age, and professions so do complete research before deciding to buy.

You can enhance your casual style if you follow a proper way of carrying these kimonos. If you do not have one then you are surely going to be convinced after reading it till the end. Below are a few kimonos for women to opt for so let’s have a look.

1- Silk Kimono

If you are looking for some of the best kimonos then you must give them a try to silk kimonos. It does not be pure silk but it must have a silky and buttery feel to it. Because of this silkiness and buttery feel, these kimonos become chic and special. The best part about going for silk kimonos is that you can have a variety of different prints in it such as geometric, floral, modern, and bold. It is the perfect way to stand apart from others moreover if you are more into a feminine look then go for a floral printed kimono. So go and purchase this at amazing discounted rates by using Modanisa Kupon Kodu.

2- Embellished Kimonos


Embellished kimonos are one of the perfect choices if you want to kill others with your killer look. It will make you look like a fashion pro with a little effort. You can pair your embellished kimono with a pair of your favorite basic jeans and a shirt. Embellishment means anything ranging from beads, sequins, or embroidery that suits you best and is unique too. You may also enhance your kimonos by combining them with the other trendy additions to it such as graphic tees, a pair of good-quality sneakers, wide-leg pants, and a few others. So go for it as it will make you stand apart from others wherever you go.


3- Fringed Kimonos


Fringed kimonos are the chicest, most comfortable, and bold type of kimono that is very popular among boho lovers. It is the perfect outfit to be worn casually as it will compliment your casual look. It is the best pick to be worn at musical festivals. You can pair it with a pair of booties or lace-up sandals even you can pair it with distressed shorts, a crop top along with a hat to make a classic and stylish look. You just need a pair of jeans, a shirt, and a pair of heels to rock your fringed kimono look. I hope the above-shared information has provided you with some insight about kimonos that will help you out in making decisions.

